Sales force Finance

About highly profitable sales

Sales Force Finance

Sales force efficiency plays a key role in the success or business failure of the company. Increasing sales volume, making or exceeding sales fairs is very important for the development of the company. At the same time, financial information is also important in the decision to sell.

But we all want the sales force to understand the importance of money flow and profitability for the company. Realize their role in identifying and selling clients with a safe financial profile.

This training helps you understand how finance works, the need for financial and sales collaboration to ensure that the organization will have profitable sales.

Who is it for?

This training is aimed at all sales people who want to understand financial principles that help them sell and influence sales profitability by applying them.

Course objectives

  • Acquisition of basic financial concepts useful in sales activity
  • Identification of clients with a safe or credit risk profile
  • Improve customer financial analysis skills
  • Acquisition of key performance indicators

The course modules

  • The importance of finance in the sales process
  • Important financial concepts, use of financial reports
  • Budget – a tool for sales planning and control
  • The importance of cost-effectiveness
  • The credit risk of a new client
  • Cash flow and its importance
  • Discounting and profit reduction
  • Debt prevention, follow-up of overdue accounts
  • Analysis of competitors’ information, key performance indicators
Costo : 370 Euro/persona. I membri della CCIPR godono di uno sconto del 10%